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Tuesday 17 April 2012

My bus refund ticket experience

O.k so as you's all know I'm a graphic design student so like all students I'm always running out of money. I've been getting the bus to and from college since September and when I cant get my mums car!. I was paying my fare and sometimes I wouldn't have the exact amount so the bus company gave me (and everyone else) a refund ticket which you can redeem at their head office. The refunds can range from 1cent to over 1euro. I started to collect these tickets to save them up and then go into the head office with a bulk. Well I've just counted my refunds and i had a total of €25.90 :-) which I am very happy with. Its money that I would have thrown away like most people do. But if you save your refunds you could end up with a decent amount of cash.

over view of all the tickets laid out

all the tickets in my hand
side view of all the tickets on a flat surface

side view of all the tickets in my hand

Monday 26 March 2012

ikea (part 5)

For my final idea i took an image of the front of a spraycan and i edited it in illustrator. I used a teal colur for the background and i used red and white for the spraycan. This idea looks good and it’s simple because of the use of three colours that compliment each other too.

ikea (part4)

I had another idea to use the top of the spraycan I took this image and copied it a few times to make these repeat patterns. These patterns work and I think the colours look good together.

For the pattern on the right I used half-drop and i used pop art colours (red, green, blue, yellow, purple and black) i left the outline of the spraycan white. I think all of these colours work well together and i like the pattern.

For the pattern below I used faded colours and a plain repeat pattern, I think these colours give a calm feel to the pattern.

ikea (part 3)

For my forth idea i used just the nozzle at the top of the spraycan i copied it several times to make this repeat pattern i used two colours, black and green for the background. I think this is a good repeat pattern and its different to my other ideas.

This is my fifth idea I used the nozzle as my repeat pattern here but i changed the size of the ones that are in the middle i just used black and white to give me a different look for my final design.

ikea project(part2)

I started looking at different patterns and different colour backgrounds.My second idea was to use a blue background and two different colours for for the sparycans I used orange and magenta. I think this idea is nice and simple and the colours work well together too.

This is my third variation of the spraycan i used half-drop repeat pattern with different patterns as fills in the spraycans I put these images on a brown background. This is not my favorite idea.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Ikea project (part 1)

Hi again, thanks for the waiting patiently on my first official. As I've said before this blog is to do with graphic design. I've decided to make my first official post on the IKEA project I did before the Christmas break.

The project was to design a repeat pattern for a new IKEA line to be used on wallpaper and fabrics,we had to choose an age group, a living space and any theme. For my project I picked young adults, sleeping spaces, and objects as my theme.

The object that I picked for my design was a spray-can. I picked a spray-can because I felt that young adults would be interested in street art (graffiti) and instead of doing typography I decided to use the main "tool" (because a graffiti artist tool is a spray-can) a spray can because I hadn't seen any type of repeat pattern like this before and I was interested in it also.

The first step I took was to get an image of a spray-can.

 I took this image from Google images I liked this image because it's a clean stencil of a spray-can which is what I wanted to do with my design but to make it a repeat-pattern. I uploaded this image onto adobe illustrator and unlocked it and changed the  colour of the spray-can and I repeated the spray-can in different size's.
As you can see below I used four different colour's (purple, green, blue and black) I used the same background as the original because i thought all of the colours worked well with it.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Hi everybody??I've started my first blog for college and other work that I do. I will be posting a weekly blog every tuesday. My blog will be about my college work and my opinion on the subject itself. The first post will be on the 24-01-2012